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Women Farmers in Dialogue: The Future of Agriculture in CoP

Today, a special online event dedicated to mutual understanding and discussions among women farmers and their essential involvement in the agricultural sector took place. The event was a significant milestone for our community, shedding light on crucial aspects related to the role and perspectives of women in agriculture.

Moderated by Gender expert Nina Lozinschi, the event began with a call for active involvement of women in agriculture, encouraging initiatives and dismantling stereotypes that persist regarding women's participation in this field. Lozinschi brought up relevant statistical data, highlighting the challenges faced by women in agriculture and emphasizing the need for change in this regard.

CoP Moderator Mihail Rurac provided insight into the contribution of the Community of Practices (CoP) in Climate Smart Agriculture for women farmers. He emphasized the importance of sharing experiences and creating a conducive environment to enhance visibility, autonomy, and equal responsibility in agriculture.

In thematic workshops moderated by Nina Lozinschi, FAO Moldova consultant, women farmers discussed the daily challenges they face in maintaining soil moisture. The Community of Practices in Climate Smart Agriculture was presented as the optimal solution for exchanging experiences and finding answers to the specific challenges of the field.

Questions from the farmers were competently answered by experts Mihail Rurac and Nina Lozinschi, thereby strengthening the ties between the community and farmers. The expressed interest led to the planning of a new meeting for the continuation of discussions and the exploration of practical solutions.

The event represented a significant step in promoting gender equality in agriculture and confirmed the importance of the Community of Practices in Climate Smart Agriculture as an essential catalyst for the promising future of this field.

The event was organized as part of the project "Integrating adaptation into planning processes to reduce vulnerability to climate change at the central and local levels in the agricultural sector of the Republic of Moldova," implemented by the Food and Agriculture Organization (FAO) with the financial support of the Green Climate Fund.

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